Stop drifting.

Uncharted Spirits designs novel, unscripted travel experiences
that break people out of their monotonous days, weeks, and years.

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Watch Season 1

The inaugural season of Supply Run takes place between Nepal and the Indian Himalayas.

Apply for the Next Supply Run

The next Supply Run will take place in 2024
Will you join the team?

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Coming soon

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Traveling is good, but it's not enough.

Uncharted Spirits was created to take a broader audience beyond the comfortable hobby of "traveling" - and into an experience that pierces deep through the cultural bubble and forces deep personal growth for the greater good.

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Transformative travel is the key to change.

We believe that overcoming the fear of what we don't understand makes us better humans. Becoming better humans makes a better world. We believe the best way to overcome the fear of what we don't understand is through transformative travel experiences.

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We create first-person travel experiences.

Inspirational travel quotes and flashy Youtube travel videos won't ever get people off their couches and into the world. So every Uncharted Spirits project we create is meant to make unfiltered, first-person travel an exciting, mainstream goal for a broader audience.

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What's next?

Currently, we're working on producing Season 1 of our travel show called Supply Run. We're also test-building our first Uncharted Bar and developing a new kind of excursion - global, self-guided adventures called Uncharted Missions.

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Are you an Uncharted spirit?

If you'd like to collaborate with and join us on our next Uncharted expedition, we'd love to hear your story.